Showing posts with label nutritations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutritations. Show all posts

Thursday, April 6, 2023


April 06, 2023 0




The ketogenic diet has become increasingly popular over the past few years due to its potential health benefits, including weight loss and improved blood sugar control. The diet is characterized by a high-fat, low-carbohydrate intake, which forces the body to switch from using glucose as its primary fuel source to using ketones.

If you are considering following a ketogenic diet, it is essential to have a well-planned meal plan to ensure that you are getting all the necessary nutrients while still staying within your macronutrient goals. Here is an ultimate keto meal plan to help you get started.





For breakfast, try a keto-friendly smoothie. Blend one cup of unsweetened almond milk, one scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, one tablespoon of chia seeds, half an avocado, and a handful of spinach. This smoothie is high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, making it an excellent way to start your day.




For lunch, try a keto Cobb salad. Start with a bed of mixed greens and add in chopped hard-boiled eggs, bacon, avocado, chicken breast, and crumbled blue cheese. Top it off with a keto-friendly dressing, such as olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


For a mid-afternoon snack, try celery sticks with almond butter or a handful of mixed nuts. Both options are high in healthy fats and protein, making them ideal for a keto diet.



For dinner, try a keto-friendly stir-fry. Start with a base of cauliflower rice and add in chopped vegetables, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, and onions. Add in a protein source, such as tofu, shrimp, or chicken, and season with soy sauce and sesame oil.




For dessert, try a keto-friendly chocolate mousse. Blend one ripe avocado, two tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder, one tablespoon of honey or stevia, and one tablespoon of coconut oil. This dessert is high in healthy fats and low in carbs, making it a perfect keto-friendly option.


For a late-night snack, try a keto-friendly cheese platter. Choose a variety of hard and soft cheeses, such as cheddar, brie, and goat cheese, and pair them with sliced cucumbers, olives, and almonds.

It's important to note that this is just one example of a keto meal plan, and it's essential to tailor your meal plan to your individual needs and preferences. It's also important to stay within your daily calorie and macronutrient goals to achieve optimal results on a ketogenic diet.

In summary, a well-planned keto meal plan can help you stay on track with your diet goals while ensuring that you are getting all the necessary nutrients. Try incorporating these keto-friendly meal ideas into your diet and customize them to your liking to achieve your health and weight loss goals.




Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Home Doctor Practical Medicine For Every Household

April 04, 2023 0

Why Should You Put Garlic in Your Ear Before Sleeping?




The Home Doctor - Practical Medicine for Every Household is a 304-page doctor-written and authorized handbook on how to handle most health emergencies when aid is unavailable.

If you want to see what happens when things go wrong, go no farther than Venezuela: no power, no running water, no law, no antibiotics, no painkillers, no anesthetics, no insulin, or any other essentials.

Yet, if you want to understand how to cope in a scenario like this, you should go to Venezuela and study the clever solutions they devised.


Dr. Maybell Nieves' bio:



Dr. Maybell Nieves is the head surgeon of the Breast Pathology Unit and a general surgeon at Caracas University Hospital in Venezuela, with over ten years of operating room experience. She received her education at the prominent European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy.

Once Venezuela's economy collapsed and hospitals and pharmacies ran out of drugs, supplies, energy, and running water, Dr. Maybell is noted for creating innovative, inventive techniques for treating patients.



Her pioneering approaches are now being examined and adopted in crisis zones across the world.

Several of these protocols and procedures are meant to be self-applied and do not require medical help. As a result, they are highly important if the medical system cannot be relied on, As in long-term blackouts.

Some of these approaches are listed below! Once you read them, it is clear why they are so valuable and why every household and family should have them on hand. The book was co-written by her, Dr. Rodrigo Alterio, and Claude Davis.


Here's a taste of what you'll discover in The Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household:



This book is a one-of-a-kind layman's handbook that you may use when aid is unavailable or to treat common conditions that don't necessitate consulting a doctor.

Let me show you a few examples of what you'll discover within the Home Doctor:


10 Medical Supplies Every Home Should Have

These supplies are cheap and should still be accessible, although they tend to run out quickly.

If you haven't noticed, the majority of the medical supplies and pharmaceuticals we take for granted are manufactured in China and India. This supply chain is fragile and might be disrupted by an EMP.

One of the ten items you should have on hand is Naproxen, an over-the-counter pain reliever that is more potent than others such as ibuprofen.


The Most Common Errors in a Blackout


In Venezuela, power has become a scarce and volatile commodity. They don't always have it, and blackouts have become a common occurrence.

Inside the Home Doctor, you'll also learn about the most common medical errors that can occur during a blackout, as well as what to handle with crucial drugs that require refrigeration, such as insulin or Humira.


What to Do If You Have a Heart Attack and What to Do Next



Consider its four different symptoms: first, chest discomfort that feels like painful pressure, squeezing, fullness, and pain in the center of your chest that lasts more than a few minutes.

The second symptom is pain or discomfort in one or both arms, as well as your back, neck, jaw, or stomach.

Shortness of breath is the third symptom.

The last thing you want to worry about is breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or feeling lightheaded.

They don't happen all at once, but if you witness even one or two, contact the emergency center.

Another thing you may do to increase your odds before the ambulance arrives is to take an aspirin and place a nitroglycerin vial under your tongue. But, you must have these two ingredients on hand beforehand.


What Happens If You Use Old Medications?



Venezuela has used more expired medicine than any other country in the world.

Dr. Maybell and other doctors witnessed what occurs personally, and it will almost certainly surprise you: most pills in your medicine cabinet are safe to consume years after their expiration dates; which medications are safe to take after their expiration dates and which are not.

Thus, before you throw away your "expired" medication, read this chapter carefully.


Individuals Should Stockpile Just Four Antibiotics

Modern antibiotics save lives. Without them, a common cold can swiftly escalate into dangerous pneumonia, and an infection in a tiny cut can be fatal.

I chose to stockpile four different antibiotics for this purpose, and I'd want to teach you how you may do the same... legally and without a prescription.

Each contains unique compounds that behave quite differently, so while you may come across a microbe that is resistant to one of them, the likelihood that it can withstand all four is very low.

As antibiotics become scarce, they will become invaluable in times of need. Having these four items on hand for yourself and your family is just as vital as having food stocks. Nonetheless, you should never take them without first visiting a doctor.

The Most Effective Natural Painkiller Grown in Your Backyard

 Another discovery will be the finest natural pain reliever, which most likely grows in your garden.

This is the painkilling herb to which many Venezuelans went when they couldn't find comfort at the drugstore...

It also grows across North America.


An Innovative Method for Storing Prescribed Drugs, Including Insulin



I'll also teach you how to deal with pharmaceutical shortages, such as insulin, which some individuals use daily.

My Texas buddy discovered a workaround and is now able to receive all of the insulin he requires daily, as well as enough to store.

His innovative solution is entirely legal and risk-free. You may use it right away, not only for insulin but also for several other medications that are notoriously difficult to stockpile.


How to Identify a Stroke Fast and the First Thing You Must Do Right Away

Time is essential while dealing with a stroke, and every second matters. Most of the time, if you act fast, your body can recover totally.

Several others, on the other hand, end up partly paralyzed or worse. Within the Home Doctor, I'll show you the quickest technique to detect it as well as the one thing you must do right now to increase your odds.


What Happens If You Use the Incorrect Probiotics?

I'll also show you the only probiotics that you should have in your medical cabinet.

Probiotics are bacteria that dwell in your digestive tract and affect your metabolism and general health.

They can even cause allergic reactions. Because their benefits are so broad, you don't want to take the wrong probiotics and risk disrupting your gut flora. I know folks who gained a lot of weight after using terrible probiotics.

A good probiotic, on the other hand, can make all the difference: it can aid digestion, help you get rid of gas, absorb the most valuable nutrients from your diet, and treat both diarrhea and constipation.


A Quick "At-Home" Treatment for the Flu and Other Respiratory Problems



During flu season, many individuals wind up in the hospital with a high temperature and hacking up their lungs.

So one of the things I'd want to provide you is a simple regimen for dealing with it at home if traveling to the hospital isn't an option.




A Step-by-Step Guide to Treating Nearly Any Skin Injury or Condition

In Chapter 3, Skin and Skin Appendages, you'll learn how to treat skin disorders including corns, warts, athlete's foot, burns and scalds, dermatitis, fungal infections of the nails, insect bites and stings, abscesses, ulcers, open wounds...

You'll also learn why egg whites should be used for second-degree burns, what over-the-counter drugs and lotions to keep on hand, and how to clean, suture, and treat an open wound at home.




The Unnoticed Symptom That May Indicate Interior Inflammation


You'll also learn about the little-known bodily signals that indicate whether or not you have concealed inflammation inside your body right now.


The 1-Minute Stretch That Eases Back and Neck Pain



You'll learn how I deal with my back issues. I used to wake up with a hunchback and could hardly go to the toilet until I discovered this one-minute exercise. And it generally took me many hours to go back to normal.

If this seems familiar, you should practice this easy maneuver.




A Natural Antibacterial Salve Recipe to Have on Hand



When you need antibiotic ointment, keep some on hand.

The recipe contained within the Home Doctor assists in the prevention of wound infection and the reduction of scarring.






How to Do a Full Breast Exam at Home



A lady should be able to tell if something is amiss with her breasts. The sooner you become aware of anything, the higher your chances of recovery.

That's why I'll show you a basic set of illustrations and instructions to put your mind at ease. Dr. Maybell created this procedure while working at the prominent European Institute of Cancer in Milan, Italy, for two years.

How to Use Leeches Medically As People Did 100 Years Ago


Have you heard of leeches being used as medicine? As long as you're not squeamish, they're an incredibly efficient and simple cure for keeping wounds from festering and hastening to heal. They're also beneficial for excessive blood pressure. They reduce the stress on your arteries because they reduce the volume of blood circulating.




An Innovative Eggshell Cure and 25 More Remedies Created from Commonly Discarded Items



I'll also show you 25 treatments built from common household items. As the saying goes, "one man's garbage is another man's treasure." For example, you may recycle eggshells into calcium tablets, which will be much welcomed in times of need or when food is limited.





How to Treat Toothaches and Mouth Infections When You Can't Go to the Dentist



Have you ever experienced a severe toothache that wouldn't go away?

A tooth infection may rapidly become a nuisance, so you should know how to treat it properly.


The Best Method to Determine If an Arrhythmia Is Safe or Hazardous



Certain variations in heart rate and rhythm are typical during sleep, physical exercise, and stressful situations.

Yet, an abnormal heart rhythm, or arrhythmia, can be a significant disease that, if left untreated, can result in cardiac arrest and stroke.

The signs of deadly arrhythmia, which seldom present in lesser forms, let you decide whether it's time to contact Emergency Center. Shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, near fainting or fainting, and minor chest discomfort are some of the symptoms. If your heart is pounding too quickly or too slowly and you have at least one of these symptoms, contact an ambulance right away.


How to Get Rid of an Ingrown Nail



You'll also learn how to treat an ingrown nail. In a circumstance when medical assistance is limited, an ingrown nail can develop a severe infection if not removed.




Why You Should Always Have a Stick of Gum on Hand Whenever Your Ears Hurt

It's fairly simple: chewing the appropriate sort of gum not only reduces pressure within the ear through constant jaw motions, but it also helps to prevent ear infections. This is due to a sweetener known as Xylitol.


Things to Look for If You Have Abdominal Pain



I'll also teach you what to do if you're having abdominal discomfort. You've undoubtedly had an abdominal assessment previously when you went to the doctor for a check-up.

Within the Home Doctor, you'll find a detailed diagram with nine areas of the abdomen that, when palpated, should disclose the location of the problem.




Are your migraines a symptom of something more serious?



You'll learn about the two most prevalent forms of migraines, as well as the easy but critical steps you must take to determine which one you have and how to treat it.

You must read this chapter, especially if it is recurring, such as once a month. This might potentially be a warning indication of something serious.




How to Handle Injuries Induced by Social Unrest

You'll also learn how to treat common wounds caused by riots and aggressive demonstrators.

Maybell, as a surgeon in Venezuela, certainly saw more wounds like this in their career than many surgeons in other areas of the world. We are also no strangers to such catastrophes, therefore I believe it is essential to be prepared.

What Doctors Do to Maintain Their Immune


You'll also learn how to maintain a healthy immune system.

You'll discover what doctors do to maintain their immunity after coming into touch with ill patients, as well as what you may do at home to safeguard your family.

How to Treat Tooth and Gum Decay with Salt and Oil



You'll also find an old mustard oil and salt cure for restoring gums and removing plaque.

Salt serves as a mild abrasive, removing stains and brightening teeth. It also has a natural supply of fluoride, which is beneficial to your teeth.

Mustard oil, on the other hand, strengthen your gums and makes it simpler to eliminate plaque naturally.



The 10 Most Desired Bartering Goods in Venezuela

I'll also show you seven non-medical products you should start stockpiling right away. These five goods were Incredibly valuable a few months after Venezuela's economy collapsed, and they could be swapped for nearly everything you needed—including medication.

A Before-Bedtime Recipe for Sleeping Like a Baby



You'll also learn about some of the substances you undoubtedly have in your kitchen right now that, when combined correctly, can help you fall asleep.

If you use sleeping medicines, including melatonin, you should attempt to replace them with this mixture, which is natural and fully safe.




40 Fascinating Home Remedies From Our Ancestors That Could Be of Use to You



You'll also uncover 40 home cures taught to us by our grandmothers that doctors still use or prescribe. They are becoming increasingly significant for those who choose to take a more natural approach. For example, you may use a potato to treat headaches, toothpaste to treat insect bites, vinegar to reduce fever, half an onion in socks to detox overnight, and black radish to produce cough syrup, among other things.



The Plant That Made Antibiotics That Saved Venezuela



Did you know that you may get a natural "doxycycline" just in your backyard?

USNEA, often known as Old Man's Beard, is the botanical name for this plant. This wild herb thrives across North America, and once you've gathered some, I'll teach you how to make an antibiotic tincture out of it to substantially boost its efficacy and shelf-life.



Inflammation Relief with Cabbage Wraps



Cabbage leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and include substances that help pull out toxins or pus from a lesion, speeding up recovery. This isn't even a traditional cure. Dr. Maybell was taught this in medical school and later validated it in her practice.





Why You Should Always Have Listerine on Hand inside the confines of your medicine cabinet



I'll also explain why maintaining a little supply of Listerine in your medicine cabinet is a smart idea.

Listerine was created in 1879 and was first used as a surgical antiseptic. It was named after the renowned British surgeon Joseph Lister, who is largely regarded as the inventor of antisepsis, or the science of infection prevention.

Listerine was widely used in Venezuelan hospitals to treat bacterial and fungal infections, wounds, gangrene, and diabetic foot.

All of this is simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you'll find within the Home Doctor. This book is huge, with over 300 pages of practical ideas, exact graphics, and step-by-step directions that may help you keep healthy while also helping those in need.

With the Home Doctor, you may train to be your own "house doctor." Home doctors are self-sufficient individuals who take care of themselves and their families when necessary. That's what I want to do with this book: to enable ordinary people to care for themselves, their loved ones, and even their communities when physicians and hospitals are no longer available.


If you opt to buy a copy of Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household today, you will receive two more gifts—all of which are still free for the time being.

Two additional gifts are available today for free.

The first is known as...

Wild Edibles That You Can Forage or Discover Around Your Home



These are the life-saving plants that Venezuelans ate when they couldn't afford to buy food at the market.

These plants thrive all across North America, and I'm sure some are growing near you.

You'll be able to recognize wild foods and make use of your backyard grocery with this addition.

This gift is only available in digital format; the photographs are just for display purposes.

You'll also get a second present named...

Native Indian Natural Healing Secrets



It will reintroduce you to the potent natural remedies that indigenous depended on long before modern treatment.

These plants will one day be worth their weight in gold. You'll never run out of medicine with this, and you'll always have a method to help yourself or a loved one in need.

The plants they utilized are still plentiful in America; all you need to know is how to correctly identify them and transform them into the cures that the Indians used for hundreds of years.

This gift is only available in digital format; the photographs are just for display purposes.



Money Refund Guarantee for 60 Days



You will have 60 days to test Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household.

If you are not completely pleased with your purchase within 60 days, write me an email and I will refund every penny. That's all there is to it!

Additionally, if you utilize this book to treat your present health problems and don't save at least $37, I'll offer you a complete refund.

There were no questions.

It is my promise to you.
